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Planting by the Moon - Using Lunar Phases for Gardening Success

Updated: Jul 27

phases of the moon

What is Planting by the Moon and Why Should You Try it?

Planting by the Moon is a method of gardening that takes into account the position of the moon in relation to the earth when deciding when to plant certain crops. This ancient practice has been used for centuries and can be beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their harvest. By understanding how the moon affects plants, gardeners can use this information to their advantage and increase their yields significantly. Planting by the Moon is an easy way to get started with sustainable gardening and can be a great way to get more out of your garden. Here are some of the benefits of using a lunar calendar for planting:

  1. Better Timing for Planting: A lunar calendar helps you to plan the timing of planting, so you can plant at the right time for optimal growth. By following the lunar calendar, you can plant at the right phase of the moon when the energy is high, which can help your plants to grow stronger and healthier.

  2. Increased Yield: Planting at the right time can lead to increased yield. It is believed that planting during the waxing moon phase, which is associated with increasing energy, can lead to better plant growth and higher yield. Planting during the full moon phase is also believed to be good for increasing yield.

  3. Better Quality of Crops: The quality of crops can also be improved by following a lunar calendar. Planting during the new moon phase, which is associated with new beginnings, can be good for root crops like carrots, potatoes, and onions, which grow underground. By planting during this phase, the roots of the plant can grow deeper and stronger, resulting in better-quality crops.

  4. Natural Approach to Gardening: Using a lunar calendar for planting is a natural approach to gardening that does not require the use of chemicals or artificial fertilizers. By following the lunar calendar, you can work with the natural cycles of the moon to grow healthy and vibrant plants.

  5. Increased Awareness of Nature: Following a lunar calendar for planting can also help you to become more aware of the natural cycles and rhythms of nature. By observing the moon and its phases, you can develop a deeper connection to the natural world and gain a greater appreciation for the cycles of life and growth.

What are the Phases of the Moon?

There are four different phases of the moon that are crucial to understanding lunar gardening: the new moon, the waxing moon, the full moon, and the waning moon.

phases of the moon

The New Moon:

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle, and it occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the Sun, making it invisible from Earth. This phase is associated with new beginnings and is an ideal time to start planting crops that grow underground, such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. The energy during the new moon is thought to be low, so it is best to avoid planting crops that need a lot of energy to grow.

The Waxing Moon:

The waxing moon is the phase of the lunar cycle between the new moon and the full moon. During this phase, the moon appears to be getting bigger each night. The energy during this phase is thought to be increasing, which makes it an excellent time to plant crops that need a lot of energy to grow, such as beans, peas, and tomatoes. This phase is also ideal for transplanting seedlings and for taking cuttings.

The Full Moon:

The full moon is the phase of the lunar cycle when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. This phase is associated with abundance and is an ideal time for harvesting crops. The energy during the full moon is thought to be at its peak, which makes it an excellent time for planting crops that need a lot of energy to grow, such as fruit trees and grapes.

The Waning Moon:

The waning moon is the phase of the lunar cycle between the full moon and the new moon. During this phase, the moon appears to be getting smaller each night. The energy during this phase is thought to be decreasing, which makes it an ideal time for pruning, harvesting, and transplanting. This phase is also ideal for planting crops that grow underground, such as bulbs and root vegetables.

How to Read a Lunar Calendar and Plan Your Garden Accordingly

Reading a lunar calendar is an essential skill for anyone interested in lunar gardening. A lunar calendar is a tool that shows the phases of the moon, and it can be used to plan your garden according to the moon's cycle. Here are some tips on how to read a lunar calendar and plan your garden accordingly.

  1. Understand the Phases of the Moon: The first step in reading a lunar calendar is to understand the four different phases of the moon. Each phase has a different energy level, which can affect plant growth and development. For example, the waxing moon is associated with increasing energy, which can be good for planting and transplanting, while the waning moon is associated with decreasing energy, which can be good for pruning and harvesting.

  2. Know Your Planting Goals: The second step is to know what you want to achieve with your garden. Are you planting for food production, aesthetics, or medicinal purposes? Knowing your goals will help you choose the right plants to grow and the best time to plant them.

  3. Identify the Best Planting Dates: The third step is to identify the best planting dates according to the lunar calendar. For example, the new moon is a good time to plant root crops, while the waxing moon is good for planting above-ground crops. The full moon is ideal for harvesting, while the waning moon is ideal for pruning and harvesting.

  4. Use a Lunar Planting Guide: A lunar planting guide is a tool that can help you plan your garden according to the lunar cycle. These guides provide information on which plants to grow and when to plant them according to the lunar calendar. They can also provide information on the best planting dates for different types of plants. There are a ton of great resources. Check out the Gardening by the Moon Calendar found on the Farmers’ Almanac website.

  5. Keep Records: The final step is to keep records of your planting and gardening activities. This can help you track the success of your garden and make adjustments for future plantings. Record keeping can also help you identify patterns in plant growth and development that may be related to the lunar cycle. Download our free Plant Tracker to help.

Planting by the moon is a fascinating and ancient practice that can help you optimize your garden's growth and yield. By understanding the different phases of the moon and the energies associated with them, you can choose the best plants to grow and the best times to plant, prune, and harvest them.

While there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of lunar gardening, many gardeners have reported improved plant growth and yield when using a lunar calendar to plan their garden activities. Incorporating lunar gardening into your practice can help you connect with the natural rhythms of the earth and enhance your gardening experience.

Give planting by the moon a try and see for yourself the benefits that come with working in harmony with the lunar cycle. Now go grow something!

Before you go…

Check out our post on a few vegetables that grow great in containers.



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